

Analysis of Environment Canada Data Records

Often in industry it is common to write programs to analyze large data files that are created as a result of capturing data from the field (e.g. SCADA applications). This assignment is consistent with that industry pattern.

Environment Canada keeps daily records for all major cities in Canada. This data includes: date, maximum temperature and minimum temperature.

Write a Java program to generate a meteorology report for a city for a specific year. The following is a sample run, user input is shown in bold underline.

Use arrays to keep track of the ranges (min, max) and # of days within each range. By using arrays for the ranges it will be easier to change the ranges in the future.

Enter data filename: h:/temp/calgary2016.txt
Temperature report for Calgary for 2016
Hottest day was (mm/dd/yyyy) 6/6/2016, high temperature was 30.9
Coldest day was (mm/dd/yyyy) 12/8/2016, low temperature was -26.7

Maximum Temperature Statistics

      Min value      Max value # of days

    (Inclusive)    (Exclusive)          

             30            999         1

             25             30        27

             20             25        70

             10             20       129

              0             10        95

           -999              0        44

Minimum Temperature Statistics

      Min value      Max value # of days

    (Inclusive)    (Exclusive)         

             20            999         0

             10             20        60

              0             10       135

            -10              0       128

            -20            -10        28

            -30            -20        15

           -999            -30         0

Average Maximum was 12.06
Average Minimum was 0.28

Format of the Environment Canada data file is as follows:
Year Month Day maxTempminTemp
Year Month Day maxTempminTemp
Year Month Day maxTempminTemp

. . .
Run the program for both the Calgary and Edmonton datafiles. You will find the data files for Calgary and Edmonton in D2L.

Part A Source Code and Sample Run

- If you are having trouble with this assignment you may purchase the pseudocode FOR YOUR OWN USE for 20% of the final grade (e.g. the maximum you can then receive on the assignment is 80%)
- Java Code 80%
o Well Structured solution
o Indentation -should follow what is shown in the textbook
o Readability
- good meaningful variable names
- no redundant code (e.g .duplicate code in branches etc)
o Documentation/Comments
- Program level
• Name of program, Description of program function, Author, Date written, Date revised
o Block level (e.g. branch/loop level)
- Purpose of each block
- Test Results 20%
- Your Calgary summary report should match the output given

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JAVA Programming: Meteorology
Reference No:- TGS02527856

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