
Messlers claim rests on which of the following assumptions


Messler's claim rests on which of the following assumptions?

(a) Social structures are privately owned

(b) Social structures are well-known entities

(c) Social structure are geographically divided

(d) Social structures partake in trade

(e) Social structures are not-for-profit


Diego works for the Human Resources department of a large virtual organization. On an average day, Diego spends two hours responding to important e-mails and social networking references. This best illustrates which of the following challenges to working in a virtual world?

(a) Information overload

(b) Knowledge management

(c) Carbon footprint

(d) Technology overload

(e) 24/7 virtual work world


The manager of a publishing company has learned of innovative software that will aid with editing documents. However, the software is difficult to use and her employees do not want use the software, this best demonstrates which of the following principles?

(a) Organizational performance directly links to the interaction of social and technical factors

(b) Optimization of technical elements alone can lead to less effective performance

(c) Increased pay and benefits may not lead to an acceptance of technological advancements

(d) Technological changes can lead to an increase in the bureaucratic structure of an organization

(e) Optimization of social elements alone increases unpredictability of relationships


How are virtual teams similar to virtual organizations?

(a) Neither agrees on a set standard of norms

(b) Neither utilizes communication technologies

(c) Both consist of employees who work from different destinations

(d) Both are only project based

(e) Neither use software portals to share information


A travel agent wants to meet client needs in a more efficient and effective manner. The agent decides to create a network where hotel chains, airlines, and car rental businesses can all put their information. This best demonstrates which of the following models of a virtual organization?

(a) Auction sites

(b) Destinations sites

(c) Virtual face

(d) Traffic control sites

(e) Business portals


Which of the following scenarios illustrates a mastery of the competencies necessary for work in the modern business environment?

(a) A business supply company plans to address a competitor's new product in a meeting a few months from now

(b) A team leader has found that she would prefer to do much of the work assigned to her team by herself

(c) When participating in a teleconference, one team member closes any distracting Web applications

(d) While the team leader is away for a leadership meeting, two team members decrease their productivity

(e) A manager has responded to a minor conflict in his department by disciplining everyone involved


Communications such as wikis and blogs that allow users to share documents with ease are known as which of the following?

(a) Groupware

(b) E-mail

(c) Text messages

(d) Teleconferences

(e) Emoticons


Steven is a telemarketer in charge of surveying customers. Steven Skype technology from his home office to gather the feedback he needs. Steven best illustrates the role of which of the following?

(a) Telecommuting

(b) Text messaging

(c) Using groupware

(d) Hybrid working

(e) Social networking


Which of the following, if true, weakens Messler's claim?

(a) Many social structures are formed around religious or racial bonds.

(b) Social structures do not participate in the trade of goods or services

(c) Forty percent of social structures are unorganized and impulsive

(d) The lack geographic proximity for many groups hinders communication

(e) Social structures are not owned by a particular person or group


Which of the following statements about ICTs is NOT true?

(a) Almost every aspect of people's lives is now inexorably linked to information and communication technologies(ICTs)

(b) ICTs can be defined as the use of tools and knowledge to influence the environment

(c) ICTs are increasingly at the centre of how people learn and work, as well

(d) ICTs are related to electronic communication and information sharing

(e) As a result of ICTs and other technologies, the global market has become hypercompetitive


A large electric company has a password-protected program for all of its employees to trade information such as emails and employee contact information. This best illustrates a company's use of which of the following?

(a) Web 2.0

(b) Intranet

(c) Telecommunications

(d) Cloud computing

(e) Extranet


Mangers of virtual teams will find that all, EXVCEPT which one of the following are critical competencies for team members?

(a) Inspirational leadership

(b) Interpersonal connections

(c) Digital divide

(d) Influence

(e) Self-management


The convergence of which of the following has had the greatest impact on work life of any innovation human history?

(a) Social and emotional competencies

(b) Computers and telecommunications

(c) Social networking and politics

(d) Communication and politics

(e) Industrialization and science


The practice of providing financial services on an extremely small scale is known as which of the following?

(a) Electronic funds

(b) Credit cards

(c) Internet banking

(d) Internet sales

(e) Microfinance


Which of the following is a way in which ICT development has affected the workplace?

(a) Bonjour Travel, Inc. Has seen a dramatic increase in requests for tips to Southeast Asia

(b) EduSolutions, LLC employs a team of editors based in locations around the world

(c) Darke Enterprises has recently acquired several new pharmaceutical manufacturers

(d) At Acme Brands, conflicts between management and staff have increased in recent years

(e) Charlie's Cookies has successfully opened new stores in shopping malls in Canada


Global economist, Ernest Messler, recently said, "Social structures, like political groups and terrorist cells, are the new marketplace".

Which of the following, if true, supports Messler's Claim?

(a) Terrorist cell activity is the number one fear of a majority of Americans

(b) Social structures rival or overpower the nation-state in many countries

(c) Seventy percent of all countries house organized social structures

(d) Social structures have developed 30% more ICTs than global businesses

(e) Many social structures are located between several geographic locations

In what way are ICTs essential to virtual organizations?

(a) ICTs are essential to virtual organization proficiency

(b) ICTs are essential to virtual organization production

(c) ICTs are essential to virtual organization development

(d) ICTs are essential to virtual organization communication

(e) ICTs are essential to virtual organization advancement


An increased focus on ICTs and greater attention to issues of environmental sustainability occurred during which of the following?

(a) Second Industrial Revolution

(b) Third Industrial Revolution

(c) Industrial Revolution

(d) Job Migration

(e) Age Enlightenment


Which of the following identifies the primary principles of sociotechnical systems theory?

(a) Using tools and knowledge to influence the environment

(b) Focusing on hardware and software related to communication

(c) Processing, transferring, and storing goods along a supply chain

(d) Examining social and technical characteristics of tasks

(e) Characterizing the interaction of social factors related to information sharing


Which of the following HR responsibilities concerning virtual work is a source of heated debate?

(a) Applying emerging virtual laws

(b) Creating virtual guidelines

(c) Understanding virtual legal regulations

(d) Monitoring virtual communications

(e) Supporting workers in using technology

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Marketing Management: Messlers claim rests on which of the following assumptions
Reference No:- TGS01765252

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