
Merton-s goal gap theory

Question1. Robert Merton’s version of anomie-strain theory is based on premise that society encourages the individual to engage in deviance. Explain

Question2. According to Merton’s goal-means gap theory, people could respond to socially created pressures in a number of ways. Explain carefully five ways an individual can adapt to such pressures.


“Despite years of research, most sociologists can’t agree upon a precise definition of deviance.”

a) Compare and contrast the positivist and constructionist perspectives on deviance.

b) How do they differ but also work together to give a better definition of deviance?

Question4. Jefferson (1997) and Gadd (2002) have suggested that “a psychosocial perspective is also important as masculinity is shaped by psyches and not just social structural forces and processes.”

Explain how

(a) The psychosocial perspective; and

(b) The social structural forces and processes

Play a role in disproportionate involvement of men in crime and deviance.

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Other Subject: Merton-s goal gap theory
Reference No:- TGS05359

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