
Merck river blindness case study

1- Research the utilitarian approach to business, and explain if you believe this approach is ethical. You must support you statements with academic research.

You can use the Ford Pinto case Study or the Merck River Blindness case study. Please provide an analysis of each case and how it is relevant to the topic we are discussing.

2- " Locke's views on property , smith's views on free markets , and Marx's view on capitalism obviously do not hold true when applied to the organizational structure and the operations of moderns corporations ". Comment on this statement. What reforms if any, would Locke, Smith and Marx advocate with respect to current corporate organization and performance?

3- In your judgment, should a US company operating in a foreign country in which collusive price - fixing is not illegal obey the US laws against collusion? Explain your answer?

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Business Management: Merck river blindness case study
Reference No:- TGS074140

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