
Merchandising strategy of walmart

Case Study:

Walmart, the world's largest retailer, has built its success on a strategy of everyday low prices and highly efficient operations, logistics, and information systems that keep inventory to a minimum and ensure against both overstocking and understocking. The company employs some 2.1 million people, operates 4,200 stores in the United States and 3,600 in the rest of the world, and generated sales of almost $400 billion in fiscal 2008. Some $91 billion of these sales were generated in 15 nations outside of the United States. Facing a slowdown in growth in the United States, Walmart began its international expansion in the early 1990s when it entered Mexico, teaming up in a joint venture with Cifra, Mexico's largest retailer, to open a series of super-centers that sell both groceries and general merchandise. Initially the retailer hit some headwinds in Mexico. It quickly discovered that shopping habits were different. Most people preferred to buy fresh produce at local stores, particularly items such as meat, tortillas, and pan duke, which didn't keep well overnight (many Mexicans lacked large refrigerators). Many consumers also lacked cars and did not buy in large volumes as in the United States. Walmart adjusted its strategy to meet the local conditions, hiring local managers who understood Mexican culture, letting those managers control merchandising strategy, building smaller stores that people could walk to, and offering more fresh produce. At the same time, the company believed it could gradually change the shopping culture in Mexico, educating consumers by showing them the benefits of its American merchandising culture. After all, Walmart's managers reasoned, people once shopped at small stores in the United States, but starting in the 1950s they increasingly gravitated toward large stores such as Walmart. As it built up its distribution systems in Mexico, Walmart was able to lower its costs, and it passed these savings on to Mexican consumers in the form of lower prices. The customization, persistence, and low prices paid off. Mexicans started to change their shopping habits. Today Walmart is Mexico's largest retailer and the country is widely considered to be the company's most successful foreign venture. Next Walmart expanded into a number of developed nations, including Britain, Germany, and South Korea. There its experiences have been less successful. In all three countries it found itself going head to head against well-established local rivals that had nicely matched their offerings to local shopping habits and consumer preferences. Moreover, consumers in all three countries seemed to have a preference for higher-quality merchandise and were not as attracted to Walmart's discount strategy as consumers were in the United States and Mexico. After years of losses, Walmart pulled out of Germany and South Korea in 2006. At the same time, it continued to look for retailing opportunities elsewhere, particularly in developed nations where it lacked strong local competitors, where it could gradually alter the shopping culture to its advantage, and where its lowprice strategy was appealing. Recently, the centerpiece of its international expansion efforts has been China. Walmart opened its first store in China in 1996, but initially expanded very slowly, and by 2006 had only 66 stores. Walmart discovered the Chinese were bargain hunters and open to the low-price strategy and wide selection offered at Walmart stores. In terms of their shopping habits, the emerging Chinese middle class seemed more like Americans than Europeans. But to succeed in China, Walmart also found it had to adapt its merchandising and operations strategy so that it meshes with Chinese culture. For example, Walmart has learned Chinese consumers insist that food must be freshly harvested or even killed in front of them. Walmart initially offended Chinese consumers by trying to sell them dead fish, as well as meat packed in Styrofoam and cellophane. Shoppers turned their noses up at what they saw as old merchandise. So Walmart began to display the meat uncovered, installed fish tanks into which shoppers could plunge fishing nets to pull out their evening meal, and began selling live turtles for turtle soup. Sales soared. Walmart has also learned that in China, success requires it to embrace unions. In the United States Walmart has vigorously resisted unionization, but it realized that in China unions don't bargain for labor contracts. Instead, they are an arm of the state, providing funding for the Communist Party and (in the government's view) securing social order. In mid-2006 Walmart broke with its long-standing antagonism to unions and agreed to allow unions in its Chinese stores. Many believe this set the stage for Walmart's December 2006 purchase of a 35 percent stake in the Trust-Mart chain, which has 101 hypermarkets in 34 cities across China. Now Walmart has proclaimed that China lies at the center of its growth strategy. By early 2009 Walmart had some 243 stores in the country, and despite the global economic slowdown, the company insists that it will continue to open new stores in China at a "double-digit rate.

Q1. Do you think Walmart could translate its merchandising strategy wholesale to another country and succeed? If not, why not?
Q2. Why do you think Walmart was successful in Mexico
Q3. Why do you think Walmart failed in South Korea and Germany? What are the differences between these countries and Mexico?
Q4. To what extent can a company such as Walmart change the culture of the nation where it is doing business?

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Reference No:- TGS01968940

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