1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Also, please provide some discussion on your position "Mentoring should be used for performance problems only."
2. Mentoring has become a growing change in the business world with employees and managers. In fact, there are a number of websites devoted to the field of executive and managerial mentoring -- but many companies (and universities) are starting mentoring programs. Please share with the class a few of the websites that you have found on the Internet that focus on the topics of executive coaching and/or managerial mentoring.
3. If you were asked by your boss (CEO or immediate manager) to set up a mentoring program with 5 selected mentors (co-workers) in various departments, how would you do it? For example, what would 3-4 attributes or characteristics that you would look in an employee to become a mentor for the program. Also, you need to design a quick mentoring training program -- how long should it be and why? Please defend your decisions in this area.