
Mental math and spss software to help solve thefollowing

This week you will find a balance between "mental math" and SPSS software to help solve thefollowing problems using the five steps of hypothesis testing. Enter your answers in the spacesprovided. Save the file using your last name as the beginning of the file name (e.g.,Krieger_SOCI332_Weekly Assignment 7.doc) and submit via "Assignments." When appropriate,show your work. All work should be typed into this document. Remember to include your SPSSoutput data file in your submission.SPSS instructions:Open SPSS

Analyze the data for #1. Remember that SPSS assumes that all the scores in a row are from the sameparticipant. In this study, there are 15 participants divided into three groups of five. Therefore, eachof the 15 participants will be described by two variables, type of therapy and the number of activitiesof daily living performed.

If "1" represents the group receiving individual therapy for 1 hour every 2 weeks, "2" represents thegroup receiving 1 hour of individual therapy each week, and "3" indicates the group receiving 2hours of individual therapy each week, the first participant will be described by entering "1" in thetop cell of the first column in the Data View window and "16" in the top cell of the second column toindicate that the participant underwent 1 hour of therapy every 2 weeks and performed 16 activitiesof daily living. The second participant will be described by "1" and "15", and the third by "1" and"18".

When the two variables have been entered for the five participants in this group, repeat the processfor participants who underwent 1 hour of individual therapy each week, using "2" to describe theirtherapy group. When the two variables for the five participants in this group have been entered,repeat the process for Group 3, entering "3" in the first column. In the Variable View window, changethe first variable name to "THERAPY" and the second to "ADL" and set the decimals for both tozero.

Click Analyze Compare Means One-Way ANOVA Since "THERAPY" is already selected,you can click the arrow to move the variable to the Factor window. Select "ADL" and click the arrowto move the variable to the Dependent List window, which instruct SPSS to conduct the analysis ofvariance on the number of activities performed.Click "Options" and click the box labeled "Descriptive" to obtain descriptive statistics.Click Continue.Click OK.1.

Keep in mind that the clients in Group 1 will receive 1 hour of therapy every 2 weeks, theclients in Group 2 will receive 1 hour of therapy every week, and the clients in Group 3 willreceive 2 hours of therapy every week.
Use the five steps of hypothesis testing to determine whether the observed differences in thenumber of activities in the following table performed by the three groups are statisticallysignificant at the .05 level of significance. Clearly indicate each of the five steps.Calculate the effect size for the study. Explain your results.

GROUP 11615182119
GROUP 22120172319
GROUP 32421252022

Describe the circumstances under which you should use ANOVA instead of t tests, andexplain why t tests are inappropriate in these circumstances. 

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Business Management: Mental math and spss software to help solve thefollowing
Reference No:- TGS01208629

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