Assignment task: A 28-year-old woman has prolonged postpartum bleeding after the birth of her first child. She reports having menorrhagia and other mucocutaneous bleeding symptoms.
PT: 12.8 sec
aPTT: 42.9 sec
TT: 16 sec
PLT: 208 × 109/L
1. Interpret the coagulation screening tests.
2. Additional studies are performed, with results indicated below. Why do you think each test was recommended?
The results of the proposed additional studies were as follows:
Fibrinogen: within the reference interval
D-dimer: within the reference interval
VWF:Ag: 30%
VWF:RCo activity: 25%
Factor VIII assay: 40% activity
3. Considering all the data provided, what condition is most likely?
4. What information did you find to be most diagnostic, and why?