
Memphis police-abuse of power and volicence

Memphis police… Abuse of power and volicence.

Paper instructions:

Your task for this first part is to write a 3-4 page paper (typed, double-spaced, with MLA citation and a separate Works Cited page) in which you endeavor to clearly define the issue you’ve chosen to write about:

•  Introduce your topic and state, as clearly as you can at this point, your argument (thesis) regarding that topic.

•  Identify the important aspects of the issue (that is, what do people disagree about?).

•  Define the key terms in the issue (for example, “homelessness” or “freedom” are terms that must be specifically defined within the context of your paper).

Put most simply, your task in this paper is to answer as fully as you can the following essential question about your issue:  What is it?

To answer this question does not require you to develop an argument. Rather, it requires that you make as clear as you can what you want to write persuasively about.

In this paper, you should not outline the history or causes of the issue; you should not explain why you believe one way or another; you should not argue for a particular course of action.  All of that will come later.

You will have to do some research for this paper, and you should include specific references within your paper that you have found thus far that you think are important to understanding and defining your issue.

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Other Subject: Memphis police-abuse of power and volicence
Reference No:- TGS01431762

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