
Members of a species remain

Question 1:

a) Differentiate between contest and scramble competition by writing a sentence regarding each.

b) Name a factor, other than the competition, which controls wild populations.

Question 2:

What deduction is it probable to make from each of the given observations?

a) In a specific area the population of a predator didn’t decline following a big reduction in the population of its key prey.

b) Mortality levels resultant from infection by a specific virus tend to decline over the years.

c) Where some members of a species remain in the similar general area all through life and some members are migratory, mortality levels tend to be more in the migratory part of the population.

d) There is a bigger variety of herbaceous (non woody) plants in areas where grazing species, like rabbits, are more plentiful than in areas where grazing species are less abundant.

e) In some species of migratory ducks in the northern hemisphere it is found out that the wintering grounds of the males lie more south than those of the females.

Question 3:

a) In relation to the study of an ecosystem differentiate clearly between the qualitative and quantitative surveys by writing a sentence regarding each.

b) How were you able to recognize the different plants in the ecosystem that you investigated?

c) Explain how you carried out a quantitative survey of the major plant species.

d) Give two possible sources of error which may have arisen in the course of your survey.

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Biology: Members of a species remain
Reference No:- TGS09065

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