
Mem23123a evaluate manufacturing processes - what

Your task is to research the following topics then outline your findings in a report. Use the questions below as a guide to your research:

1. Discuss the important features of the following as they relate to products and processing options:
a. Marketing options and advantages
b. Economic, social and sustainability implications of products and processes
c. WHS and other regulatory requirements

2. How might you identify and evaluate the features and functions of the plant, facilities, services and process layout associated with the manufacturing process?

3. Briefly explain each of the following common modern manufacturing technical and work organisation processes:
a. Volume production using transfer lines
b. Cellular manufacturing
c. Jobbing
d. Metal shaping processes, such as casting, forging and machining
e. Metal assembly, fabricating and joining
f. Plastic and rubber product manufacturing, including various types of moulding and assembly
g. Surface finishing based processes (e.g. Electroplating)
h. Process transfers and materials handling
i. Packaging
j. Warehousing, stores, and provision for logistics and transport

4. What are the factors you will need to assess so you can determine the labour and skills distribution requirements of plant and processes?

5. What are the concepts and processes of asset maintainability and reliability?

6. What are the options that could be used in the workplace for process automation and control?

7. Explain the following techniques that are suitable to use for process improvement:
a. Material and product flow measurement and improvement
b. Feedback on product manufacturability for possible product modification
c. Feedback from maintenance and life cycle costs for plant
d. QA, QC and SPC feedback
e. Customer feedback on cost, quality, delivery and reliability

8. Outline maintenance management systems, including their compatibility with manufacturing processes

9. What are the information flows and software options that could be used for process measurement and control?

10. What steps might you undertake to complete budgeting and costing processes?

11. Briefly explain each of the following:
a. WHS
b. Risk management
d. Work permits
f. Codes of practice
g. Regulations
h. Standards
i. Regulatory requirements


The following questions may be answered verbally with your assessor or you may write down your answers. Please discuss this with your assessor before you commence. Short Answers are required which is approximately 4 typed lines = 50 words, or 5 lines of handwritten text.
Your assessor will take down dot points as a minimum if you choose to answer them verbally.

Answer the following questions either verbally with your assessor or in writing.

1. What information would you use to determine and define the context of a manufacturing process that to be evaluated?

2. How might you identify thestakeholders which are to be consulted as part of the evaluation?

3. What are the actions you will need to undertake to confirm the WHS and regulatory requirements, codes of practice, standards, risk assessment registration requirements for the manufacturing plant?

4. There are a number of techniques suitable to use when investigating the sustainability implications of manufacturing processes. Discuss at least two

5. Identify five examples of sources of professional and technical assistance you might access and use during the evaluation of manufacturing processes

6. What are the main principles of manufacturing?

7. Why is it important to identify and use appropriate analysis techniques, software and software validation techniques?
8. List the factors you might consider when evaluating and assessing facilities, services, plant and tooling in relation to
a. Product manufacturability
b. Product maintainability
9. What is process layout?

10. Briefly explain each of the following which are to be evaluated and assessed using lean systems and techniques:
a. Materials
b. Product flow
c. Transfer operations
d. Warehousing, stores and logistics

11. Outline at least one of the methods which may be use in the workplace to evaluate WHS, regulatory compliance and risk management practices of manufacturing processes and maintenance procedures

12. List at least five examples of areas you might consider and evaluate for process sustainability

13. What will you need to evaluate process information flows for?

14. What are three of the methods that could be used to review the results of your evaluation and assessment with stakeholders?

15. What details will you need to include when documenting recommendations for improvements, where this is appropriate?

16. What types of documentation might you need to provide at the end of the evaluation process?


The following task may be assessed on the job, off the job or a combination of both on and off the job. Where assessment occurs off the job, then a simulated working environment must be used where the range of conditions reflects realistic workplace situations.

For this task you are to complete the following activity to evaluate manufacturing processes, including the existing or planned software against manufacturing technical and efficiency requirements.

Determine the scope of the manufacturing processes through completion of the following steps:

1. Identify, and document, the parameters and context (both internal and external) of the manufacturing, and the processes involved

2. Identify the plant, facilities, services, labour and skill distribution used for the manufacturing processes, and document the features and functions of each

3. Identify, and record, the stakeholders who are to be consulted as part of the evaluation

4. Obtain and review the WHS and regulatory requirements, codes of practice, standards, risk assessment and registration requirements for the manufacturing plant, to confirm these so they can be appropriately applied and followed throughout the evaluation process. Provide the documents obtained or record the review.

5. Investigate the sustainability implications of the manufacturing processes. Document the outcomes of this investigation.

6. Identify, and document, sources of professional and technical assistance suitable to access and use throughout the task

Evaluate the manufacturing processes through completion of the following actions:

7. Identify, and record, the manufacturing principles and techniques required to evaluate and optimise the processes

8. Identify, and document, the appropriate lean systems and analysis techniques, software and software validation techniques to be used

9. Evaluate and assess the facilities, services, plant and tooling, in relation to product manufacturability and maintainability, using lean systems and techniques. Document this evaluation and assessment.

10. Using lean systems and techniques, evaluate and assess the process layout, including the use of automation and process control. Document this evaluation and assessment.

11. Using the lean systems and techniques, evaluate and assess the materials, product flow and transfer operations, buffer and emergency stocks, warehousing, stores, transport and logistics. Document this evaluation and assessment.

12. Evaluate the WHS, regulatory compliance and risk management practices of the manufacturing processesand the maintenance procedures. Document this evaluation.

13. Evaluate the processes for sustainability. Document this evaluation.

14. Evaluate the process for its compatibility with the maintenance management system. Document this evaluation.

15. Evaluate the labour requirements and the skills distribution. Document this evaluation.

16. Evaluate the process information flows for control and for process improvement. Document this evaluation.

Complete the following steps to report the results:

17. With the identified stakeholders, review the results of the evaluation and assessment. Document this review.

18. Where appropriate, provide recommendations for improvements. Document any appropriate recommendations.

19. Document and provide an accurate report and the other associated documentation of scoping, principles and techniques identification and the evaluation of the systems, layouts, programs and flow charts

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