
Mem 506 modeling and simulation amp operations research for

Modeling and Simulation & Operations Research for Engineering Assignment

Final Project-Arena Case Study


In this report, we will be solving simulation Exercise Problem for Modeling in ARENA. This case is about items arrive from an inventory-picking system according to an exponential inter-arrival distribution with mean 1.1 minutes. First, after items arrival at time 0, they packed  to 4 equal packers with a single queue feeding all packers. Then, we use the packing time is TRIA (2.75, 3.3, 4.0) .We have a single shipper for international packages and two shippers for domestic packages. The international shipping time is TRIA (2.3, 3.3, 4.8), and the domestic shipping time is TRIA (1.7, 2.0, 2.7). The packing system works as the following:

Three 8-hour shifts 5 days a week

15-minute break 2 hours into their shift

30-minute lunch break 4 hours into their shift

Second 15-minute break 6 hours into their shift 

Problem 1:

Items arrive from an inventory-picking system according to an exponential inter-arrival distribution with mean 1.1(all items are in minutes), with the first arrival at time 0. Upon arrival, the items are packed by one of four identical packers with a single queue feeding all packers. The packing time is TRIA (2.75, 3.3, 4.0) Packed boxes are then separated by type (each box has an independent probability of 0.2 of being international, and the rest are domestic), and sent to shipping. There is a single shipper for international packages and two shippers for domestic packages with a single queue feeding the two domestic shippers. The international shipping time is TRIA (2.3, 3.3, 4.8), and the domestic shipping time is TRIA (1.7, 2.0, 2.7). This packing system works three 8-hour shifts, 5 days a week. All the packers and shippers are given a 15-minute break 2 hours into their shift, a 30-minute lunch break 4 hours into their shift and a second 15-minute break 6 hours into their shift; use the Wait Schedule Rule. Run the simulation for a single replication of 2 weeks (10 working days) to determine the average and maximum number of items or boxes in each of three queues (put a text box in your model reporting these output values). Assume your model, including a Resource animation, and a change in the appearance of entities after they're packed into a box.

Problem 2:

Using the model from Exercise 4-15, change the packer and domestic shipper schedules to stagger the breaks so there are always at least three packets and one domestic shipper working. Start the first 15-minute packer break 1 hour into the shift, the 30-minute lunch break 3 hours into the shift, and the second 15-breake 6 hours into the shift. Start the first domestic shipper 15-minute break 90 minutes into the shift, the 30-minutes lunch break 3.5 hours into the shift. And the second 15-minute break 6 hours into the shift. Include Resource animations.

A team report in word (.doc) that includes:

1) A cover page with brief title -i.e. Airline Ticket Counter Study and all team member names.

2) A general description of the problem and data used.

3) Each team member should write a section of the report labeled with their name and the particular question being answered. Include a screen capture of the ARENA model, and a summary of the obtained results in the report.

Assignment Files - https://www.dropbox.com/s/6z9vhonc2j6biqr/Assignment%20Files.rar?dl=0

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Other Engineering: Mem 506 modeling and simulation amp operations research for
Reference No:- TGS02190418

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