
Melody-harmony and accompaniment-music elements

1) Describe how is music (melody, rhythm, harmony, and/or instrumental accompaniment) employed to compliment the words and actions in the given:

a) Jannequin's "Song of the Birds" (Chant Des Oiseaux)

b) Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus" from Messiah

c) Schubert's "Elkonig"

d) Berg's "Wozzeck"

2) What musical elements (melody, harmony and accompaniment) support the words and assist to heighten the influence of the words in the above four pieces?

3) Explain how does the use of words and music evolve via time from the Renaissance to the 20th century?

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Other Subject: Melody-harmony and accompaniment-music elements
Reference No:- TGS031436

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