
Medical radiation-breast cancer with reliable percentage

(Word Limit 1400 +/- 70)

• Introduction : about 175 words and two references. Also talk in general about medical radiation and talk in general about Breast cancer with reliable percentage for example in Australia . Always paraphrase references, please . Don’t use please quotation .

• Body : Two stream ( Diagnosis 4 paragraphs –Treatment 1or2 paragraph )

1st stream Diagnosis :

1st paragraph Mammogram / about 200 words and talk overview about the role of mammogram in diagnosis of breast cancer and then describe procedure deeply how mammogram is performed to achieve image production as well the technique and including images from mammogram ( use 5 paraphrase references and one image )

2nd paragraph Nuclear Medicine / about 200 words and talk overview about the role of Nuclear Medicine in diagnosis of breast cancer and then describe procedure deeply how Nuclear Medicine is performed to achieve image production as well the technique and including images from Nuclear Medicine ( use 5 paraphrase references and one image )

3rd paragraph MRI / about 200 words and talk overview about the role of MRI in diagnosis of breast cancer and then describe procedure deeply how MRI is performed to achieve image production as well the technique and including images from MRI ( use 5 paraphrase references and one image )

4TH paragraph Ultrasound / about 200 words and talk overview about the role of Ultrasound in diagnosis of breast cancer and then describe procedure deeply how Ultrasound is performed to achieve image production as well the technique and including images from Ultrasound ( use 5 paraphrase references and one image )

2nd stream Treatment : Radiation Therapy / about 200 to 300 words and talk overview about the role of Radiation Therapy in treatment of breast cancer and then describe procedure deeply how Radiation Therapy is performed to achieve treatment to the patient from breast cancer and including images from Radiation Therapy ( use 5 paraphrase references and one image )

• Conclusion : 175 words/ Summaries the main ideas and what we have learned from this topic

References: (AT LEAST 22 REFERENCES You can use more but you have to talk always deeply ). This essay requires referencing in the APA style, with full in-text referencing. References should be from high quality information sources such as government web sites (if you want statistical information such as cancer statistics which is useful to justify the importance of the topic), peer-reviewed journals or from text- books, in particular those that are highly relevant to the MRS profession and the Australian context. Or from academic current articles.

Need to be focus of attention while writing

1. Topic and Justification : Topic is cleary defined. Major terms and background is clearly explained. Demonstrates justification of topic.

2. Overview of the role of each investigated Medical Radiations Stream in diagnosis/treatment of condition: Concise and relevant discussion of the role of each investigated stream (In specialty area) or in treatment/diagnosis of condition

3. Description of how procedure is performed to achieve image production or treatment for each stream (Include images): Good discussion showing depth and insight. Ability to analyse and evaluate information evident. Appropriate images included

4. Summarises assignment relevant to topic investigated and evidence reviewed: Accurately and concisely summarises the role of streams investigated as per assignment topic selected and evidence presented in assignment.

5. Expression : Well written. Is organised and coherent. What is written is clear and easily understood. Spelling and grammar are excellent.

6. Appropriateness of literature reviewed and intext referencing : Literature cited in body of assignment (in text referencing) is evident and accurate throughout assignment. All key points have multiple references. Key journals and texts relevant to MRS are used including Australian statistics as appropriate. All images and Tables from other sources are referenced appropriately.

Reference List : APA style used accurately and consistently in reference list. ALL references are accurate and correct and conform to APA

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Other Subject: Medical radiation-breast cancer with reliable percentage
Reference No:- TGS01240697

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