
Media assets to attract an employers attention

Topic: Presentation & WordPress Site



Your presentation relates to your branded content strategy and use of owned media assets to attract an employers attention. Imagine an employer doing a Google search and finding your WordPress site. They will be impressed! During workshops, with the guidance of your instructor, you will develop a branded content strategy that showcases your personal brand. You will use owned media assets such as WordPress pages, and a blog (on a topic of your choosing) Linkedin and WordPress to showcase your brand. Students are expected to create the following owned assets:

1. Create a WordPress homepage

2. Create a minimum of one additional WordPress pages

3. Create a new blog (this should contain one or two posts)

4. Create a Linkedin page

Your pages should be written in a style that is appealing and appropriate for the intended audience. Your content should be original and related to the your personal brand. Your pages should demonstrate writing quality that is free of grammatical errors, show evidence of self-editing, and use accurate citations where relevant. Your owned assets should be unified and include enhancements such as tags, hyperlinks, video, and images.

Your presentation is assessed on the assets your have developed, as well as the strategy behind their content. Your presentation should be 5 minutes in length and can be presented in a format that fits with your brand. You should include the following statements in your presentation, while showcasing your owned assets.

1. The key story communicated across your owned assets is _____

2. Each of the assets is cohesive, as demonstrated by ______

3. To enhance my digital footprint, I would leverage these owned assets by joining the following groups on Linkedin ____, and sharing WordPress with ____platforms. These are relevant because _____In addition to this;

4. In the future, I need to strengthen my digital brand by _____

Note, you must copy and paste the content from your WordPress site into a word document.

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Other Subject: Media assets to attract an employers attention
Reference No:- TGS01437870

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