
Media and society

Question 1: Write short definitions or descriptions of the given terms or abbreviations, giving examples where helpful and suitable:

a) Stereotypes
b) Replicability
c) Hybrid
d) Reality television
e) Subliminal advertising
f) Spin
g) Semiotics
h) Paywall
i) SMS
j) CGI

Question 2: Describe the development of mass communications and the main elements and innovations that have contributed to that growth.

Question 3: What are the major features of a Public Service Broadcaster and how the rapid development of digital technology is in general, and the World Wide Web in specific, likely to influence the protected position of Public Service Broadcasters around the world?

Question 4: Define the main types of documentary film or video and the manners in which a documentary differs from actuality and from a fictional work.

Question 5: What is voluntary media regulation? Give illustrations of at least two different forms of voluntary regulation.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the voluntary regulation?

Question 6: The terms tabloid and freesheet are broadly used in the media, however what are the main attributes or characteristics of each type of publication?

Question 7: In the world of multi-channel digital television, describe the significance of segmentation and fragmentation, and how they will impact on television services, viewers and audiences.

Question 8: The rise of social media has had an important impact on the traditional media professions like journalism.

Branston and Stafford argue that there are two main attitudes to the rise of social media – “the one pessimistic and the other optimistic, even utopian”. Illustrate.

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Other Subject: Media and society
Reference No:- TGS04197

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