
Mech202p control amp instrumentation - describe expected

Assignment Case Study Report

Q. Find a real-­-world (household, etc.) control system that uses some kind of transducers and describe the characteristics of the system following the format below.

(a) What is the system for? Describe the application/goal of the system?

(b) What sensors (transducers) are used in the system? (note: the answer is expected to be more than just "displacement sensor" but more detailed, such as LVDT, optical shaft encoder, etc.) Briefly describe the mechanism, expected input range and output accuracy.

(c) Why is this type of transducer used and is there any alternative?

(d) Describe expected nature of the signal output from the transducer (e.g. level of voltage/current, noise level, etc.). What kind of signal conditioning is needed?

(e) Draw the block diagram, show controller/plant and the input/output measured variables.

(f) How much does it cost, what is the most expensive part?

(g) Discuss the accuracy of the whole system, considering its intended application.

(h) Discuss the limitation of the control system and how it could be improved. Considering these improvements and the intended application, why have the designers not included them in the design?

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Mechanical Engineering: Mech202p control amp instrumentation - describe expected
Reference No:- TGS01384782

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