
Mech 436 applied controls - pid controller tuning ii find

Applied Controls - PID Controller Tuning II

For this laboratory you will continue to use your MATLAB program to simulate a closed loop PID controller system. For this lab we are going to modify our prior model to simulate a disturbance and you are to tune the controller to achieve the desired response. Each individual will use the same assigned system as in PID Controller Tuning Lab I.

1. Modify your prior Simulink PID feedback controller model to include a summing junction between the controller and the system. This will be the input for the disturbance.

2. Find the PD gain that produce the fastest system response to a step disturbance with a maximum of 25% overshoot, Find the steady state error and plot the result

3. Find the PID gains that produce the fastest system response to a step disturbance and close to zero steady state error. Plot the result.

4. Test the controller gains from #2 and #3 with a step input and plot the results.

5. Test the PD and PID controller gains found in the first PID controller tuning lab using a step disturbance and plot the results.

6. Write up your results as a short memo with your system model, the graphs and discussing the performance of the different controllers.

I want you to do PID controller tuning II. It is a follow on lab from a previous assignment so I've included that assignment as well in the ZIP file. If at all possible if you could have the same person who did my last submission does this one as well I would appreciate it.

Attachment:- pid-controller-tuning-1.zip

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Mechanical Engineering: Mech 436 applied controls - pid controller tuning ii find
Reference No:- TGS01420534

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