Measuring customer satisfaction versus customer loyalty


For each item listed below, know the definition of the term (or phrase) as well as the purpose of the idea (what is the point the author is making by discussing this issue?).

Why Satisfied Customers Defect By: Jones, Thomas O.; Sasser Jr., W. Earl. Harvard Business Review, Nov/Dec95, Vol. 73 Issue 6, p88-91, 14p.

Measuring customer satisfaction versus customer loyalty

The driver(s) of long-term financial performance

The (incorrect ) beliefs widely held by managers

The relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty

The key to securing customer loyalty

The wrong customers

Causes of false loyalty

The role of product or service quality

The recovery process

How to listen to customers

Recommended measures of loyalty

Using customer satisfaction information

Interpreting levels of satisfaction & how to decide what actions to take

The House of Quality By: Hauser, John; Clausing, Don. Harvard Business Review, May/Jun88, Vol. 66 Issue 3, p63-73.

House of Quality and QFD

Conceptual map & perception map

What's so hard about design?

What do customers want?

Customer Attribute bundles

What is measured, and how?

What does a customer mean by "quiet?"

Are all preferences equally important?

Will delivering perceived needs yield a competitive advantage?

How can we change the product?

Interpretation of Engineering Characteristics (ECs)

How much do engineers influence customer perceived qualities?

Objective measures versus targets

How does one engineering change affect other characteristics (relationship matrix)?

Impute relative weights

How does the house of quality lead to the bottom line?

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Other Management: Measuring customer satisfaction versus customer loyalty
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