
Measuring central tendency

Answer these folloing Questions:

1. Quantitative data refers to:

2. Computers are useful for quantitative data analysis because:

3. A pictogram is:

4. A pie chart is:

5. Which one of these is not a way of measuring central tendency?

6. Standard deviation is:

7. Parametric and non-parametric are:

8. The way in which this significance is tested using both non parametric and parametric statistics can be thought of as answering one from a series of questions. Which one of the questions below is the odd one out?

9. Testing the probability of a relationship between variables occurring by chance alone if there really was no difference in the population from which that sample was drawn is known as:

10. ANOVA is:

11. A correlation coefficient enables you to:

12. Qualitative analysis software cannot:

13. After the data has been collected, the researcher is left with most of these things. Which ONE of them will give information to which the researcher was not exposed during the group itself?

14. Analysis takes place during data collection in:

15. Which is the odd one out?

16. What does this define? The key points that have emerged so far. Includes useful comments about the informants and the setting.

17. What does this define?

A formal record of your ideas and your reflections, in a chronological format, to help you identify the development of certain ideas and the way in which your methodology developed.



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Other Management: Measuring central tendency
Reference No:- TGS01750791

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