
Measuring algorithm-s efficiency and amortized efficiency

1) Describe in detail about the “Average-case efficiency” of algorithm with suitable example.

2) What do you understand by “Amortized efficiency”?

3) Explain in what way we can measure the algorithm’s efficiency?

4) What is known as the basic operation of the algorithm? How to measure the algorithm’s running time?

5) What do you understand by order of growth?

6) Explain Big oh notation in detail with appropriate example.

7) Prove that 100n+5∈O (n2)?

8) Explain Ω notation in detail with appropriate example.

9) Prove that n3∈ Ω (n2)?

10) Explain Θ – notation in detail with appropriate example.

11) Prove that( ½)n(n-1) ∈ Θ(n2)

12) Expalin the use of Asymptotic Notations?

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Measuring algorithm-s efficiency and amortized efficiency
Reference No:- TGS010764

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