I Introduction to Police Effectiveness
A. Measurement Issues - See lecture notes
What is police effectiveness?
Measures of police performance: outcomes and outputs
a. Outcomes
b. Outputs
List and describe four (4) traditional measures:
B. Crime Policy Evaluation-
Three (3) types of evaluation used to evaluate crime prevention interventions, strategies, and policies
a. Impact
b. Process
What factors do process evaluations consider?
c. Cost-Benefit Analysis
Problems with conducting cost-benefit evaluations of CJ programs/policies:
II Standard Model of Policing
A. Response Time - See Spelman and Brown summary
a. Define the following:
Response Time
Rapid Response
Citizen Reporting Time
Police Dispatch Time
Police Travel Time
Total Response Time
b. Kansas City Response Time Analysis
Police response time has an effect on what other factors, and how?
c. Police Executive Research Forum Study
Main findings:
III Compstat - See Silverman and Weisburd et al. chapters in Police Innovation and lecture notes
What is Compstat?
Description of Compstat (Visible Components of Compstat):
List and describe key elements (What Compstat promises):
Strengths of Compstat:
The Police Foundation Survey
Findings (Actual Implementation):
a. Traditional "bureaucratic" or "paramilitary" organizational structure
b. Internal contradictions
a. Reaction versus Reform (Weisburd et al.'s Argument)
b. Evaluation of Compstat
c. Data manipulation
d. Linked to Aggressive or Zero-tolerance policing strategies
IV Place-Based Prevention
A. Neighborhood Prevention
a. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED)
What is CPTED?
What are some potential limitations of CPTED?
b. Neighborhood Crime Prevention
Describe the following neighborhood crime prevention programs:
Neighborhood Watch programs
Citizens on Patrol
What obstacles inhibit neighborhood organization?
B. Importance of Place
a. Random Preventative Patrol
What is random preventative patrol?
Kansas City Preventative Patrol Study
Why was the Kansas City Preventative Patrol Study important?
Main findings:
b. Hot Spots
Minneapolis Hot Spots Patrol Experiment
Main findings:
Why was the Minneapolis Hot Spots Patrol Experiment important?
C. Theoretical Importance of Place
Theories that explain crime events - 3 core theories:
Rational Choice
What is rational choice theory?
Routine Activities (RAT)
Explain routine activity theory.
Problem Triangle - Illustrate, and list (and describe) the components
Crime Pattern Theory (CPT/Environmental Criminology)
Describe crime pattern theory.
How do CPT and RAT differ?
V Partnerships and Community Policing
A. Partnerships and the Police - See Lab Chapter on Moodle and lecture notes
Describe partnerships for crime prevention
a. Purpose, and how they function
b. Participants
List and describe weaknesses of partnership programs.
What are the key factors for building successful partnerships?