
Measures of central tendency

Background: There was no 2004-05 National Hockey Leagues season due to a labour dispute among the players and the teams. One of the results of the labour dispute was a salary cap which limits how much every team’s payroll can be. The current collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is expiring at the end of this season.

Role: For this assignment, you work for a statistics consulting firm that assists businesses understand and contextualize data. The T.V. network Sports network has hired your company to do an in-depth analysis of the results of the salary cap on salaries in the NHL. Your job is to present a report to the Sports network which can be employed in their series “How the NHL’s CBA changed hockey.” The report requires taking the numerical data and summarizing it in such a manner that the sportscasters can easily communicate the effects of the salary cap on teams’ payrolls to their viewing audience. You will use Megastar to do this and work in groups of three.


The objective of this assignment is to answer the subsequent question, using statistics: What effects did the salary cap have on team payrolls in the NHL?

To do this, contrast the team payrolls from the 2003/04 season and the 2005/06 season.  Contrast the data by visually representing data and analyzing evaluates of central tendency and measures of variation. Once this is done, comprising computation and graphs, write down an analysis where you will explain your conclusions and what they mean regarding what has happened to the team payrolls in the NHL.


You require to properly citing all material in report. Each report will have at least one citation as every group will require citing where they got their data from. The style of citation (Chicago, APA, etc.) should be consistent.

Though this is about the NHL, you don’t necessarily need to know much about hockey. Instead the focus in on payrolls, collective bargaining agreements, and salary caps. It is important that you familiarize yourself with these ideas.  Some helpful websites to begin your search might include: nhlnumbers.com and capgeek.com. Other internet sources such as the NHL team sites or Wikipedia may be helpful.  A grading rubric will be provided ahead of time on the course blackboard site.

- Choice of visual representation: The choices of visual representations are extremely appropriate and extremely comprehensive. The choices aid the viewer to understand the effects of the salary cap very easily.

- Visual representation: All of the visual representations are extremely well laid out, appropriately labelled and easy to read.

- Measures of central tendency: The choices of measures of central tendency are very suitable and extremely comprehensive. The explanations provided deep understanding of the effect of the salary cap. The analysis was perceptive.

- Measures of variation: The choices of measures of variation are extremely appropriate and very comprehensive. The explanations provided deep understanding of the effect of salary cap. The analysis was perceptive.

- Summary: All of the statements in summary are supported by suitable evidence. The main question of the assignment is answered in a perceptive and sophisticated manner.

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Basic Statistics: Measures of central tendency
Reference No:- TGS0963

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