Measure the roi of the proposed diversity initiatives


Prepare an 8 to 10 page report summarizing your action learning project on Walmart, including the following components:

•A description of the organization

•The process you used for your diversity needs analysis

•A summary and analysis of the information/metrics you examined and data you collected

•A summary of the organization's diversity and inclusion goals

•Conclusions about the diversity paradigm(s) the organization is operating in and its strengths and challenges related to diversity and inclusion

•A set of recommendations for the organization about actions it can take to move toward its diversity and inclusion goals, including recommendations for reducing potential resistance

•The high-level design for at least 2 interventions you would recommend to support the organization's goals

•Recommendations for metrics to measure the effectiveness and ROI of the proposed diversity initiatives

•A proposed plan for moving forward on your recommendations and the suggested interventions laying out short-term, mid-term, and long-term steps

•A reference page in APA style with at least 8 references from peer-review journals .

Attachment:- Wal-mart values.rar

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Other Management: Measure the roi of the proposed diversity initiatives
Reference No:- TGS02066968

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