
Measure of cohesiveness identified

Task: List two of the groups/teams to which you belong or have belonged to in the past.

- Choir

- Academic Team

Choir-I joined the choir because I enjoy music, singing and how the choir sounds together as a unit. Interpersonal interaction, perceptions of membership, and motivation made the choir a satisfying experience for me for the reason that I felt as though I was a part of something positive and beneficial to my spiritual well being and lifestyle change. Membership is a prerequisite for serving in any capacity in the ministry and due to my love for music I decided to combine my love for music with the overall mission of the congregation. If I am going to be a part of any group or team, I must feel a genuine connection with the people within the group. A successful group is predicated upon the measure of cohesiveness identified and the level of productivity, performance and quality of services being rendered. Unfortunately, when dealing with diverse backgrounds, personalities begin to clash and individuals consider themselves an elite member of the group. A group can be very successful (no matter what the venue) if individuals are willing to leave their egos, attitudes and emotions at the door and fulfill the purpose that was intended.

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Other Management: Measure of cohesiveness identified
Reference No:- TGS01771213

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