
meaning or definition the term advertising is

Meaning or definition: the term advertising is derived from the original Latin word "advertere" which means "to turn" the attention. Every price of advertising turns on the attention of the readers or the listeners or the viewers or the on lookers towards a product or a service or an idea. Therefore, it can be said that any thing that turns the attention to an article or a service or an idea might be well called as advertising.

According to the marketing association it is any paid from of  non personal presentation idas goods of services by an identified sponsor

Accordinig to the new encyclopaedia bitanica advertising is from of communication intend promote thesale of the product or service to influence public opinion to gain political support or advance a  particularcause

According to weeler advertiing is  , any from of paid non personad l presentation of ideas goodsor services for the purpose of inducingpeople to byto comm

According to willim j Stanton advertising consists of the activities involved in presenting to group a non -personal oral or visual openly sponsored message regarding a product service idea this message is called on advertisement is disseminated through one or more media and paid for by an identifiled sponsor.

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Marketing Management: meaning or definition the term advertising is
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