
Meaning of progressive discipline

Problem 1. Pick a strike that occurred in the U.S. sometime in the last 10 years. What do you think caused that strike? Make sure you point to specific evidence to support your claim. Now suggest how that strike illustrates a general explanation of strike occurrence. Describe what kinds of additional information or data you might need to determine which theory of strikes explains why a strike occurred in the case you selected.

Problem 2. Why might the measured relative wage effect of unionism not provide a good approximation of the true absolute wage effect of unionism? What is your opinion? Explain your answer.

Problem 3. Discuss the meaning of "progressive discipline". Do you believe that progressive disciplinary systems work? Why or why not? Please explain your answer.

Problem 4. Professors Wellington and Winter argued that public employee unions would have excessive bargaining power if extended the right to organize and strike. On what grounds did they make this argument? Give reasons, in your opinion, why their argument may be wrong.

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HR Management: Meaning of progressive discipline
Reference No:- TGS01617944

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