
Meaning of palliative care

Question 1:

a) Explain the term ageing and discuss different factors which affect the ageing process.

b) Discuss the principle of care of elderly at home.

c) Describe the points you would keep in mind while caring for elderly person. 

Question 2:

a) Draw the diagram of pressure point.

b) Describe the ways or methods of giving back care of pressure points.                                                                                                                                                                                   
Question 3:   

a) Describe the meaning of Palliative Care.

b) Describe signs of approaching death which you would observe in your patient.

c) Discuss the needs of dying person and how would you meet up such needs, Support for your answer.

d) Illustrate the rights of dying person.

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Biology: Meaning of palliative care
Reference No:- TGS02242

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