
Meaning of exception specification

Q1. Define the term exception. What do you mean by exception specification? Illustrate when it is used?

Q2. Write down a program which write to and read from the disk files by using class object.

Q3. Explain why are virtual constructors not supported in the C++? Validate.

Q4. Write down a class COMPLEX in the C++. It consists of two members of type integer. One for real part and the other for imaginary part. As well write functions which can overload assignment and increment operator both the prefix and suffix.

Q5. Illustrate six differences between the structure and class in C++.

Q6. Write detail notes on the given terms:

a) Abstraction
b) Inheritance
c) Polymorphism

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C/C++ Programming: Meaning of exception specification
Reference No:- TGS010827

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