
Meaning of economic value added

Q1. Explain how are the advantages of merger shared by the acquiring firm and the target firm? Describe with the appropriate examples.

Q2. Illustrate the meaning of economic Value Added? How is it helpful in assessment of the performance of a firm?

Q3. Describe the various methods of demergers?

Q4. What type of synergies exists in the Horizontal, Vertical and Conglomerate mergers?

Q5. Buying out of a firm for merger is a kind of investment decision. Do you agree? Explain.

Q6. Explain how merger propositions can be financed? Assess the implication of the techniques.

Q7. What do you mean by Spot Rate?

Q8. Illustrate the meaning of Cross Rates with suitable examples?

Q9. What do you mean by premium and discount?

Q10. Distinguish between the Direct and indirect quote?

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Strategic Management: Meaning of economic value added
Reference No:- TGS012940

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