
Meaning and requisites of a valid meeting

Attempt all the given questions:

Question 1: A private secretary is expected, if essential, to sacrifice his personal interest for his employer. Explain.

Question 2: What do you mean by the term meeting? What are the requisites for conducting a valid meeting?

As well elucidate the significance of the agenda of a meeting.

Question 3:

a) Describe the arrangement of a business letter.
b) Write a letter to the supplier complaining regarding the supply of defective goods.

Question 4: Differentiate between the given terms:

a) Motion and Resolution.
b) Attendance and Quorum.
c) Report and Precis.
d) Money Order and Postal Order.

Question 5: Write short notes on the given terms:

a) Amendment.
b) Company meetings.
c) Public relations in a company.
d) Postal services.

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Other Subject: Meaning and requisites of a valid meeting
Reference No:- TGS02263

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