
Meaning and need of audit in administration

Question 1) Describe the importance of the study of Financial Administration.

Question 2) Write a detailed note on Appropriation Act,

Question 3) Describe the process of demands for Grants.

Question 4) Explain the defects of Line-Item budget.

Question 5) Describe the functioning of Public Accounts Committee.

Question 6) Explain the meaning and need of Audit in Administration.

Question 7) Analyze the merits of separating Audit from Accounts.

Question 8) Write a detailed note on Budget speech.

Question 9) Describe the role of Ministry of Finance in Financial Administration.

Question 10) Explain the process of the enactment of budget.

Question 11) Differentiate between traditional budget and performance budget. Describe the features of performance budgeting?

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Macroeconomics: Meaning and need of audit in administration
Reference No:- TGS07259

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