
Mean-median and standard deviation

For each of the following two problems, analyze the data given in the related data le. Write up your results in the structure of a report. Specic requirements for each analysis are given in the problems.

For the data in chickwts.csv, an experiment was conducted to measure and compare the eectiveness of various feed supplements on the growth rate of chickens1. In the experiment newly hatched chicks were randomly assigned into one of six groups and each group was given a dierent feed supplement. The data consists of the weight in grams of each chick at the end of 6 weeks (second column) and which feed supplement the chick received (third column). The rst column is strictly an id number and may be ignored.

(a) Compute the mean, median, and standard deviation for all of the chick weights.

(b) For each of the 6 feed types, compute the mean, median, and standard deviation for the weights of the chicks that received that specic feed supplement.

(c) For each of the 6 feed types, plot a histogram of the weights of chicks that received that specic feed supplement.

(d) Plot box plots for each of the 6 feed types.

(e) Discuss which feed supplement you would recommend to a chicken farmer who was looking to maximize growth of chicks in the rst six weeks.

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Basic Statistics: Mean-median and standard deviation
Reference No:- TGS0722126

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