
Me 476cme 486did the team complete the purpose and goals

Individual Post Mortem Analysis

The Post Mortem analysis is an individual report where you will discuss how the first semester of capstone went. It will be turned into Bb Learn at the beginning of Spring Semester.

This Report must answer questions all of the following questions:

1. Did the team complete the Purpose and Goals stated in the Team Charter?

2. Were the Ground Rules and Coping Strategies stated in the Team Charter followed?What worked and what did not?

3. Which aspects of project performance (time management, product quality, manuf. Cost,etc.) were most positive?

4. Which aspects of project performance were most negative?

5. Which tools, methodologies and practices contributed to positive (or negative) aspects of performance?

6. What problems did the team encounter?

7. What specific organizational actions can be taken to improve performance?

8. What specific technical lessons did you learn?

This Progress Report must include:

An introduction to the report contents

The answers to the above questions organized into the following two categories

o Contributors to project success

o Opportunities/areas for improvement

As this should be in report-style format, each paragraph should flow into the next, from topic to topic. Each paragraph should clearly and smoothly convey which question you are answering without using the question as a header.

The end goal of this Progress Report is that EACH individual team member shows they can constructively analyze the performance of themselves and their team in order to improve upon the second half of the project. When writing about any negative aspects of the first
semester, be sure to word the report in the most positive manner possible.

Reports must be formatted as follows:

- Single spaced

- 11-point font

- Include cover page with:

o Name

o Date

o Team number and name

o Assignment title

o Section information

- Reference page for any sources used

- SUBMIT AS PDF (no Word, .gdoc, Pages, etc.)

- Length: 4-5 pages


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Mechanical Engineering: Me 476cme 486did the team complete the purpose and goals
Reference No:- TGS02164521

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