Problem description:
It is well documented that students in well-ventilated classrooms perform significantly better on standardized tests than their peers who receive inadequate fresh air. In this project you are assigned to design a ventilation system in a two-dimensional classroom. The room is 8-m long and 4-m wide. It has two windows of size 2m (width) on the rear wall. Outdoor temperature is 5°C, heat transfer coefficient is 25 W/m2-K and indoor temperature is to be maintained at 20°C. Heat is supplied through two vents of size lm on the wall opposite to the window. The walls will be treated as insulated. The vent will be treated as heat flux supply and heat is lost through the window.
1. Use ANSYS-Fluent program to simulate the heat transfer in this classroom.
2. Determine the heat flux value from the vent to keep the room temperature at 20°C (average of the temperatures of all the cells);
3. Determine the value of uniformity, which is defined as: [ (highest temperature - lowest temperature) / average temperature J;
4. Try three different values of size and/or position of windows and vents, and calculate the corresponding uniformity and heat supply, identify the "best" in terms of the smallest uniformity.