
Mc4100 muts cells are spread onto a single lalambdavir

MC4100 mutS cells are spread onto a single LA/λvir plateand incubated overnight at 37° C. The next day there aremultiple bacterial colonies growing on the plate. Decide whethereach of the following (A-C) could account for the bacterialresistance to λvir:

I. This could account for the bacterial resistance toλvir.

II. This could NOT account for the bacterial resistance toλvir.

C. A mutation in malK

B. A spontaneous mutation resulting from lack of a mismatch-repairsystem

A. A mutation preventing λvir from entering the bacterial cell 

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Biology: Mc4100 muts cells are spread onto a single lalambdavir
Reference No:- TGS0797591

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