Assignment: Instructions: This assignment consists of FOUR (4) pages
Critically analyse what you think could be the most significant implications of Brexit (Britain's exit from the European Union) on Global HRM:
Your critical analysis should include discussion about one or more of the following HRM related issues in a) and b) below:
a) Possible implications for the global workforce.
Migration/immigration, the labour market (jobs, employment, wages/earnings), education and skills, worker rights and employment law.
b) Possible implications for HRM policy and practice in international organisations.
Implications for HRM policy and practice in international organisations (covering the four main HRM functions: recruitment and selection, human resource development (HRD), managing reward and performance, managing employment relations).
The assignment question reflects some core themes addressed during the ABP HRM module.
It is not enough to rely on lecture slides. Students that can show evidence of critical thinking and engagement with relevant readings, and illustrate this with practical ‘real world' examples, are more likely to achieve favourable grades.
Assignment guidelines: x Length should be a maximum of 2,500 words (- or + 10%) (excluding references).
- It must include correct and appropriate referencing, which will influence marks (see below).
- Please ensure the assignment is carefully proof-read.
- The report must be submitted both electronically (through Blackboard) and a paper copy handed in at the Postgraduate Student Service office by 6.00pm on 02.05.2018.
- Requests for extensions will only granted due to serious personal mitigating circumstances, supported by appropriate evidence (e.g. medical certificate).
- No plagiarism or cutting and pasting of internet sources! Assignments are checked on Turnitin