
Mba it fall 2016 - ecm85ekm marketing management - evaluate

You are required to develop a Marketing plan for an organization strictly in either manufacturing or mining or services based in Oman. You need to select a product or service of the organization then develop marketing strategies to improve the Product/Service performance and provide suitable recommendation to the management. You can add an element of novelty to the entire process; it could be on the product features, Positioning, Branding, and Segmentation (finding a new target segment for an existing product). You will conduct background research (secondary research - journal articles, industry magazines, websites, news reports) in the service or product area and outline major SWOT elements. You will be required to understand the potential consumer market to identify a target market (through the segmentation process) and develop a strategy to connect and communicate your ‘new' product or service to the target group. The use of modern applied marketing theories together with traditional theories is highly regarded. Use of journals and research will be highly rewarded and is a must.


1. You are required to explore how the theories of Marketing Orientation (MO) or Marketing Philosophy is being implemented in the chosen organization and how it can be improved as part of your recommendations in the Marketing Plan. Wider and cross cutting issues related to Oman, GCC, WTO, Omanization, oil price dynamics and Oman local cultural dynamics and their effect on this plan should be thoroughly reflected in your Marketing Plan.

2. The oil price shocks and their effect on the Marketing Plan implementation must be reflected extensively too, if applicable.

3. The economic slowdown in China and other Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs) and current European economic turmoil and its effect on the plan should be addressed, if applicable.

4. The low oil prices in and outside Oman and their effect on this plan must be reflected in your assignment.

5. A minimum of 5 current relevant journal articles is required. The articles should be about marketing theory and practice and from reputable Marketing journals.

6. Simply copying and pasting management models is not acceptable (SWOT Analysis, Competitor Analysis and PESTEL Analysis). You must discuss them in relation to the specific chosen company (for SWOT/Competitor Analysis) or Oman/the world (in the case of PESTEL Analysis).

The Marketing Plan should include the following sections:
- Executive Summary
- Situation analysis
- PESTEL, SWOT and Competitor Analysis
- Marketing objectives
- Marketing strategies
_ Market Segmentation Strategy
- 7P's
- Designing the Marketing Communications
- Implementing the Pricing strategy
- Budget and Marketing Plan Implementation
- Evaluation and Recommendations

Please note:
- You should provide material supported by appropriate citations, references [Refer to Coventry Harvard Referencing guide on the Moodle] and appendices.
- Please provide a word count at the end of your report.
- The report should be B/W computer generated, printed on white A4 paper. Coloured graphs and charts are allowed.
- The report should be approximately 4,000 words in length excluding references and any appendices.

The proposal should cover the following where the student explains his/her plans to tackle the Assignment very briefly:-

Executive Summary Summary of what is to be in assignment

Situation Analysis

Brief explanation of how to do it.

Marketing Objectives Brief explanation of how to do it.

Target Market Brief explanation of how to do it.

Marketing Strategies 7Ps Brief explanation of how to do it.

Budget and Marketing Plan Implementation Brief explanation of how to do it.

Evaluation and


Brief explanation of how to do it.

Research Use of journal articles: correct citation in body of assignment and correct referencing in References Section.

Structure and Presentation of Report Referencing, Grammar, Spacing , Font size ,Margins

Intended Module Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the assignment, the student would be able to:

1. Critically discuss the relevance of theories of consumer and buyer behavior to different marketing situations.

2. Select and apply a range of tools and techniques in marketing management with due regard to their benefits and limitations

3. Evaluate the changing nature of marketing, particularly the role of e-marketing, and assess the contribution of these changes to marketing practice.

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Marketing Management: Mba it fall 2016 - ecm85ekm marketing management - evaluate
Reference No:- TGS01736789

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