
Mba 635- how would organizational leaders apply and use the


Read the article that will be sent via email. The article reviews research and survey data of managing business conduct from a global perspective.

Using material from the article as well as the text, identify how the compliance and ethics programs of most companies fall short of addressing global business ethic responsibilities. Explain how companies must manage business conduct and ethics with performance tools and decision-making processes to optimize business sustainability. How would organizational leaders apply and use the data for implementing best practices in corporate culture and social responsibility? How does the data impact global brand development?

For additional details, please refer to the Group Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.


Please compose a 2-3 page response as identified above.

Follow the rubric requirements (attached).

Sources must be cited with APA format.

Group Short Paper Guidelines

Read the article A Global Leader's Guide to Managing Business Conduct, located in your Harvard Business Review coursepack. The article reviews research and survey data of managing business conduct from a global perspective.

You will discuss the concepts covered in this article with a team of your peers, culminating in a joint short paper. How your team works together to arrive at your joint paper will be demonstrated through your group's assigned discussion forum. Begin by selecting one member to lead the group and then formulate a plan to complete the work. The leader will be the one who eventually submits the group's paper.

Using material from the article as well as the textbook, address the following critical elements:

- Explain how and why the compliance and ethics programs of most companies fall short of addressing global business ethical responsibilities.

- Explain how companies can manage conduct and ethics with performance tools and decision-making processes to optimize business sustainability. In other words, explain how organizational leaders could apply and use data for implementing best practices in corporate culture and social responsibility.

- Describe how the use of data affects global brand development.

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must follow these formatting guidelines: 2-3 page Word document, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, oneinch margins, and APA citations.

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Business Management: Mba 635- how would organizational leaders apply and use the
Reference No:- TGS02216420

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