Refer to the posted class notes, code from projects done in class, the course bookmarks and your textbook for help with this project. Please double-check all of your HTML code before uploading your files to your FTP account, and test your pages using Firefox and either Chrome or Safari after they have been uploaded to the server. Please read the Project Guidelines beginning on p. 4 before beginning any work on this project.
Create a folder on your Desktop named midterm. All of the files that you create and use for this project should be saved inside of this folder. Please review the Project Guidelines included at the end of these instructions before you begin to be sure that your choice of topic and content meets these requirements!
Aside from logos and navigation buttons, the text, images and any other content must be different on each page.
Create the first page
1. Create an HTML page about a topic of your choice. This page must contain a header (or logo) and three or more paragraphs of original text related to your topic.
This must be "real" text content. Lorem Ipsum text will not be accepted. The majority of this text should be original text of your own - not copied from another web site or other source. If you do use any text or images from an existing web site, please include links back to the original web page.
2. Replace any styled quotes, apostrophes and/or dashes that may be present in this text. Replace any special characters in the text with HTML Character Entity Codes. Double-check all spelling, punctuation, and capitalization in the text.
3. Set the margin attributes in the
tag to something other than the defaults.
4. Add any related links and/or other applicable text tags (bold, italic, blockquotes, lists, etc.) to this text to make it more interactive. Your midterm project should include a total of three or more links to different outside web sites related to your topic using words included in the text on your pages. Though you are welcome to use them, links to social media web sites will not count for this requirement. These links should open in new browser windows or tabs. Save and test these links.
5. Select a color scheme of 3 - 5 colors that will be used on all pages to tie them together with a consistent look. No default colors may be used for text (black), links (blue), or visited links (purplish/pink). The only exception is if you want to use a white background*.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to test these colors and make any necessary adjustments so that all text, links and visited links are easy to read on the background color or image.
*Backgrounds may be solid colors, tiled background images as done in class, or background images that have been optimized for the web (resolution, file size, etc.). Refer to the posted Bookmarks for links to download free images and online tools for creating and editing backgrounds and other images.
Avoid color combinations such as red backgrounds with blue text that can make the text, links, or visited links difficult to read. Visited link colors should always be considered in your chosen color scheme as the default color can be difficult to read on some backgrounds and may clash with your overall color scheme. Don't be afraid to venture beyond primary colors! For help selecting colors, use one of the color scheme generators included in the posted Bookmarks.
6. Set the font for all text to something other than the default Times New Roman font. You may use more than one font on the page, but always include a Web-safe font as an option in all font typeface declarations.
7. Find three or more full-sized images related to your topic and save them to your Desktop. These images should be at least 500 pixels in width or height, depending on whether the image is vertical or horizontal.
8. Use the Preview application or one of the image-related applications in the posted Bookmarks to optimize these images for the Web as specified in the posted class notes for Images 1. This requires consideration regarding image file types, dimensions, resolution, and overall image file size. Save the optimized versions of the image files inside of your midterm folder.
9. Create thumbnail versions (usually 80-100 pixels in width by 80-100 pixels in height) of the full-sized images. Save these in your midterm folder, then add the required HTML to display these on your page after the header (or logo). Be sure to include all of the required attributes inside of each image tag.
10. Add the thumbnail images to the HTML page and set them up to open the optimized, full-sized versions of the related images in new browser windows or tabs when they are clicked. You may use the Preview application or one of the image-related applications in the posted Bookmarks to help you to create the thumbnail images.
Your completed first page should look something like this image (except that you have not added the navigation header yet):
Create the second page
11. Create a second HTML page that uses the same background, colors, margins, etc. as the first page, but the content should include: a header (or logo), three or more paragraphs of text, and an image with text wrapping around it (as explained in the steps below).
12. Replace any styled quotes, apostrophes and/or dashes that may be present in the text, and replace any special characters in the text with HTML Character Entity Codes. Double-check all spelling, punctuation, and capitalization in the text.
13. Set the margin attributes in the
tag to match the first page. Set the fonts for all text to match the first page.
14. Find one more image related to your topic, and optimize it for the Web.
Resize the image so it is between 200 - 300 pixels in width. Save the optimized version of the image inside of your midterm folder.
15. Add the optimized image to the second page immediately before the three or more paragraphs of text.
To force the text to wrap around the image, add the required attribute to the image tag to force the text to wrap around it on the left or right. If needed, add the optional attributes to the image tag to move the text away from the edges of the image.
16. Add any related links and/or other applicable text tags (bold, italic, blockquotes, lists, etc.) to this text to make it more interactive. Your midterm project should include a total of three or more links to different outside web sites related to your topic using words included in the text on your pages. Though you are welcome to include them, links to social media web sites will not count for this requirement. These links should open in new browser windows or tabs. Save and test these links.
Your completed second page should look similar to the image at the top of the next page (except that you will have 3 or more paragraphs of text and you have not added the navigation yet).:
17. Before moving on, make sure that all of your optimized image files and both of your HTML pages are inside of your midterm folder, all of the images are displaying, the thumbnail image links and other links are working, fonts are displaying, etc.
Create the third page
18. Create a third HTML page containing content of your choice. This page must contain more than two images and two paragraphs of text.
19. Set the colors, fonts, margins, etc. to match the first two pages.
20. Replace any styled quotes, apostrophes and/or dashes that may be present in the text. Replace any other special characters in the text with HTML Character Entity Codes. Double-check all spelling, punctuation, and capitalization in this text.
Add the navigation links
21. Starting with the first HTML page, add navigation links after the header (or logo) on all three HTML pages. These links should open in the same browser window or tab. All three links should be included on all pages.
You may create text links for this purpose, or create navigation buttons using Pixlr or one of the graphics or button builder tools included in the course Bookmarks. Photoshop is also available in the 404 Computer Lab.
If you use text links, include HTML Character Entity Codes to separate the links so they do not appear right next to one another. ex. non-breaking spaces, dashes, pipe characters, etc.
To set up the navigation links on the first page: *link names should be descriptive of the content on each page
- The value for the href attribute for the first navigation link on the first page should be set to "#" (as demonstrated in class). This will force any text to display using the specified link and vlink colors, but will not go anywhere when it is clicked. This will tell the user that this link is for the page that they are currently viewing
- The second link should be set up to take the user to the second page.
- The third link should be set up to take the user to the third page.
22. Add navigation links to the second HTML page that are displayed in the same order as those that you just created on the first page, but set them up so the first link will take the user back to the first page, and the second link will function as the "current page" link. The third link should take the user to the third page.
Follow these same steps to set up the navigation on the third page.
23. Test the navigation links on all pages to make sure that they are working correctly.
24. If you haven't already done so, add links to at least three different outside web sites related to your topic using words/topics included in the text the pages. Though you are welcome to use them, links to social media web sites will not count for this requirement. These links should open in new browser windows or tabs. Save and test these links.
25. Double-check that the Transitional HTML 4.01 doc type is included at the top of all three HTML pages, and that you have included a unique title between the
tags on all pages that is descriptive of the content displayed on that page (do not leave the default).
26. At the bottom of all three HTML pages, add the HTML character code for the copyright symbol, your first initial and last name, and an email link with a subject field specified using the "Contact Us" text as the clickable text for the link.
It should look something like this on the page: © Copyright 2017, P. Kerensky. Contact Us.
27. Double-check your HTML code on all pages and correct any errors - especially those related to optimizing images and #2, 4, 6, 8, and 9 included in the Project Guidelines below.
TIP: As demonstrated in class, an easy way to identify possible HTML errors is to view the page source using Firefox. Potential errors will display in red. However, not all instances of red text are necessarily errors.
28. Upload your midterm folder to the main directory of your FTP account.
29. Using a web browser, go to your account on the pedclass server (the URL was included in your FTP account email message) and test all of your pages - including all links, images, fonts, colors, etc. using at least two different web browsers (Firefox and Chrome or Firefox and Safari) to make sure that all of your images are displaying, the navigation links are working on all pages, thumbnail image links are working, and links to external web pages are working correctly. If any changes are any necessary, make these changes, save your HTML pages again, re-upload them to your FTP account and test them again.
Project Guidelines
1. All HTML pages must be created using either BBEdit or TextWrangler. Do not use any other HTML editors for this project or you will risk receiving a failing grade on this project.
2. Each page should only have one set of ,
, , , and tags, which are included in the HTML templates that should be used when creating any new HTML pages. Pages should not be missing any of these opening or closing tags, and absolutely no content or HTML tags should appear before the opening tag or after the closing and tags.
This was covered in the first two weeks of the semester and has been reinforced in class every week since then. Therefore, the failure to meet this requirement will result in the loss of a full letter grade on this project.
3. This project is to be completed individually. Please do not share or copy code or work in groups. Those who do so will receive a failing grade on this project.
4. Do not copy code or content directly from assignments previously created in this course for this project.
ex. work done in-class or for homework. You may use these for reference purposes only - not obvious copies. This project should not look anything like any of your other assignments.
5. I will be viewing the HTML code for all of these projects, so your ability to use the tags and attributes correctly, link to and/or reference files using relative urls, etc. will count in grading.
6. File names must conform to the standards covered in class - no spaces, extra periods, apostrophes, or other special characters should be present, long file names should be shortened, etc.
7. The ability to upload files correctly to your FTP account, and test/troubleshoot your code is part of your grade for this project. Remember that if you make any changes once your files have been uploaded, you will need to re-upload the edited file(s) for the changes to show up online.
8. All pages and files must be saved in the correct file formats, include the correct file extensions for the web: .html, .jpg, .png, etc., and be optimized for the Web with consideration of file sizes, dimensions, resolution (for images), etc. as covered in class. Images should NEVER be resized by using the width and height attributes and must include all of the required attributes as specified in the posted class notes on images.
9. Please do not use tags or options not yet covered in this course. Though I respect that some of you want to experiment (and I encourage it!), this project must show me what you can do with what has been covered so far in this course only. Please save any other work for projects outside of class. The use of other tags or attributes, CSS, or other options beyond what may have been covered in class will negatively affect your grade on this project.
10. Do not name any of your pages "index.html" or the web server will display this page as a default when your midterm directory is opened using a web browser rather than displaying the list of files, which you will need to test and troubleshoot your site.
11. DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES TO YOUR PROJECT FILES AFTER THE DUE DATE/TIME. The web server logs the date and time for all file uploads, so any files uploaded after the due date/time will not count toward your midterm project grade. If you want to continue to make changes to your project after the due date/time, you will need to create a separate directory in your FTP account, upload copies of all of your files to that directory, and make any additional changes to that copy.
12. Once you have uploaded your project files, you must test your site on the web server to be sure everything is working once it has been uploaded. Be sure to test all links, navigation, images, etc. on all pages. You will be graded on what appears/works when I test your site online, so if your site has broken images, links that do not work, etc. this will affect your grade.
13. All projects should be tested in at least Firefox and either Chrome or Safari once they have been uploaded to the web server. Some issues may not be obvious to you unless you see what your site looks like in different web browsers. Since you will not know which browser a visitor may be using when they visit your site, the more different ways you test your site, the better. I will be checking your sites in both of these browsers when I grade them.