Discuss the below:
Q: The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of velocities v for a unit volume of an ideal gas can be written in the form
f(v)=dvxdvydvz= A exp((-m|v|2)/2kBT)dvxdvydvz
Explain the physical meaning of f(v) and A. Under what conditions does the expression provide an accurate description of a gas? Describe one method by which it has been tested experimentally. Deduce expressions for
(a) the average value of vx
(b) the average value of |vx|
(c) the average value of the speed c|v|
(d) the average kinetic energy.
A collimated beam of thermal neutrons emerges from a nuclear reactor and passes through a speed selector into a detector. The number of neutrons detected in a second with speeds in the range 4000 to 4010 m s-1 is twice as large as the number per second detected with speeds in the range 2000 to 2010 m s-1. What is the temperature of the moderator in the nuclear reactor?