
maximum elastic torquea rectangular section

Maximum elastic torque:

A rectangular section torsion member had dimension of 100mm by 200 mm and is built of a steel for which the shear yield point is τy = 100 MPa. Find out Tp for the cross-section and the ratio of Tp to Ty, where Ty is the maximum elastic torque.


Here, 2a = 100 mm and 2b = 200 mm

τY = 100 MPa, = 100 N/mm2


b / a = 100 /50 = 2, T Y = 3.936 τ a3

Now, TY   = 3.936 × 100 × (50)3  = 49200 Nm


Tp   = (20/3) τ Y a3  = (20 /3)× 100 × (50)3  = 83333.33 Nm

Therefore, we have,

Tp / TY  = 83333.33/49200 = 1.6938

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Mechanical Engineering: maximum elastic torquea rectangular section
Reference No:- TGS0181254

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