Question 1: Analyze the truss shown below using ANSYS. Determine the support reactions, joint displacements, and member axial forces. Indicate whether each member is in tension or compression. Tabulate your results and follow the member and joint numbering shown.
Note: member numbers shown in black, and joint numbers shown in blue.
Use E = 200 GPa and A = 4000 mm2.
Question 2: Determine the joint displacements, member local forces, and support reactions for the frame shown below using ANSYS. Use E = 200 GPa for all members, A = 10,000 mm2 and I = 500 x 106mm4 for the beams, and A = 15,000 mm2 and I = 400 x 106 mm4 for the columns. Tabulate your results, and submit ANSYS drawings of the bending moment, shear force and axial force diagrams. Use 20 elements per member. Also, submit a drawing showing the member and joint numbers.