Mathematic Optimization Application: Southwest Airlines Linear Programming Project
Project description
Assignment 1. Southwest Airlines Linear Programming Project
Your instructor will assign a linear programming project for this assignment according to the following specifications. (The SOUTHWEST AIRLINE PROBLEM project, reference in the Problem Statement & Initial Writeup docs)
It will be a problem with at least three (3) constraints and at least two (2) decision variables. The problem will be bounded and feasible. It will also have a single optimum solution (in other words, it won’t have alternate optimal solutions). The problem will also include a component that involves sensitivity analysis and the use of the shadow price. JUST DO the WRITEUP part, EXCEL part is done. Please review both the Excel file and the initial writeup + problem statement
Writeup. (3 – 5 pages)
Part 0: Your writeup should introduce your solution to the project by describing the problem. Correctly identify what type of problem this is. For example, you should note if the problem is a maximization or minimization problem, as well as identify the resources that constrain the solution. Identify each variable and explain the criteria involved in setting up the model. After the introductory paragraph, write out the L.P. model for the problem. Include the objective function and all constraints, including any non-negativity constraints. Then, you should present the optimal solution, based on your work in Excel. Explain what the results mean.
Part 1: Explain what type of problem this is and the approach you are taking (based on Initial Writeup. (Thoroughly explained what type of problem this is (southwest Airlines, and the approach taken)
Part 2: Determine and reason the Objective function specified correctly in write up for Southwest Airlines problem (based on the initial writeup) – Objective function is specified correctly
Part 3: Describe the constraints used to come up with the solutions (based on the initial writeup doc and the solver solution Excel) – All Constraints are correctly specified, including nonegativity constraints
Part 4: Specified how your Linear Programming Model is correctly translated to Excel (based on initial writeup and Excel files) –
Part 5: Thoroughly explained and correctly answered the sensitivity analysis part of the Southwest Airlines problem. (explain using the excel files )
Part 6: Determine the shadow price and thoroughly explained and correctly answered the sensitivity analysis part of the Southwest Airlines problem