
Math2210 - the purpose of this project is for you to extend

Differential Equations

The purpose of this project is for you to extend your knowledge of the solution methods used to solve differential equations and/or to learn about an application of differential equations in the sciences, business, physics, engineering, or mathematics. Once you have completed your research, you are required to submit a 5-10 page paper communicating your findings through mathematical writing.

Project Components and Timeline

1. Choose a Topic: (Due - ASAP)

2. Submit Project Description, Outline and References:

3. Submit Final Project:

Project Topic

Student projects must all be substantially different, and project topics may be claimed via the WebCampus discussion board Project Topic thread. Once you have picked a topic, please post your topic there. I will respond and approve the topic. Once a topic is approved for a student, it is no longer available to be used by any other student. Thus, it is in your best interest to choose a topic quickly and to post it as soon as possible.

Possible Topics
(which should/could be further refined in general):

- RLC circuits
- projectile motion with air resistance
- predator-prey models
- solutions of differential equations
- the double pendulum

- modeling epidemics
- earthquake models
- Kepler's laws
- the Lorenz equations
- the vibrating string

Fairleigh Dickinson University MATH2210 - Differential Equations

2 Project Description, Outline, and References
As the first portion of your class project, you will be required to submit a hard copy of a typewritten summary containing your

1. project description,

2. project outline,

3. and a corresponding reference list of at least three peer-reviewed sources.

Minimally, an acceptable project description must be a carefully constructed complete sentence with a focus narrow enough to treat fully in a 5-10 page paper.

The project outline should include a bulleted list of points that refer to the appropriate reference(s) listed. You may not use non-refereed Internet or popular magazine sources for this assignment.

If your project description is not approved, you will be required to resubmit this assignment. Final projects submitted without an approved description will not be graded. The project description, outline, and reference list are due in class on Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016, and must be submitted as a hard copy.

3 Final Project

The final project is due on Monday, December, 12, 2016. Your final project must be submitted as a hard copy and you must provide copies of the portions of your sources used. Late assignments will not be accepted or graded.

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Mathematics: Math2210 - the purpose of this project is for you to extend
Reference No:- TGS02142420

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