Use Matlab to solve the following equations. Please (i) plot the solution as a function of t for t ∈ [0, 100].
(ii) draw the phase diagram of the ODE.
1. dy/dt = y2 + y with y(0) = 1
dy1/dt = y2
2. with y1(0) = 1, y2(0) = 1.
dy2/dt = -3y2 + 2y1
dy1/dt = y1 - 2y1y2
3. with y1(0) = 1, y2(0) = 1.
dy2/dt = -y1y2 - y2
dy1/dt = -y1y2
4. dy2/dt = y1y2 - y2 with y1(0) = 10, y2(0) = 1, y3 = 0.
dy3/dt = y2