
Math 104 homework 11 find a sequence of integrable

Math 104: Homework 11-

1. Find a sequence of integrable functions (fn) on R where -∞fn = 1 for all n, but fn → 0 uniformly on R.

2. (a) By using simple properties of sin x and cos x, show how to define the function tan : (-π/2, π/2) → R. Prove that it is differentiable, strictly increasing, and neither bounded above nor below.

(b) By using inverse function theorems, define tan-1: R → (-π/2, π/2) and show that

(tan-1)'(x) = 1/1 + x2.

(c) Prove that for |x| < 1,

tan-1x = n=0((-1)nx2n+1/2n + 1.

(d) By making use of Abel's theorem, or otherwise, show that

π/4 = n=0((-1)n/2n + 1).

3. Let In = 0π/2sinnx dx.

(a) Prove that I0 = π/2 and I1 = 1.

(b) Use integration by parts to prove that (n + 1)In = (n + 2)In+2 for all n ≥ 0.

(c) Prove that I2m+1 ≤ I2m ≤ (1+ 1/2m)I2m+1 for all m ∈ N, and hence that I2m/I2m+1 → 1 as m → ∞.

(d) Prove that for m ∈ N,

π/2 = (2/1)(4/3)(6/5). . . (2m/2m - 1)I2m,               1 = (3/2)(5/4)(7/6). . .(2m + 1/2m)I2m+1,

and hence that

π/2 = limm→∞(2/1)(2/3)(4/3)(4/5)(6/5)(6/7). . . (2m/2m - 1)(2m/2m + 1).

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