Materials price variance-materials quantity variance

The Litton Company has established Standards as follows:

Direct Material: 3 pounds per unit @ $4 per pound = $12 per unit

Direct Labor: 2 hours per unit at $8 per hour = $16 per unit

Variable Manufacturing Overhead: 2 hours per unit @$5 per hour = $10 per unit

Units Produced = 600 units

Direct Material Used = 2000 pounds

Direct Material Purchased (3,000 pounds) = $11,400

Direct Labor Cost (1,100 hours) = $9240

Variable manufacturing overhead cost incurred = $5720

The company applies variable manufacturing overhead to products on the basis of standard direct labor hours

From the foregoing information, compute the following variances. Show weather the variance is favorable or unfavorable.

Materials Price Variance = ? Materials quantity variance = ?

Direct Labor Variance = ? Direct Labor effeciency Variance = ?

Variable overhead rate variance = ? Variable overhead effeciency variance = ?

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Finance Basics: Materials price variance-materials quantity variance
Reference No:- TGS01449985

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