Question: Research Methods in Pivotal Studies
Matching: Match the study with the individual researcher by entering the letter of the correct study to match the number of the researcher in the Answer column in the following tables.
Table 1:
1. Edward Lee Thorndike |
A. Group Conflict
2. Solomon Asch |
B. Race and Self-Concept
3. Muzafer Sherif |
C. Strength of Situation
4. Philip Zimbardo |
D. Cognitive Dissonance
5. Kenneth and Mamie Clark |
E. Puzzle Box and Learning
6. Leon Festinger |
F. Obedience
7. Stanley Milgrim |
G. Social Facilitation
8. Gordon Allport |
H. Conformity
Table 2:
Seminal Study
1. Bibb Latane |
A. Operant Conditioning
2. John Darley and Bibb Latane |
B. Learning
3. Albert Bandura |
C. Cognitive Development
4. B. F. Skinner |
D. Learned Helplessness
5. Martin Seligman |
E. Social Loafing
6. John B. Watson |
F. Modeling
7. Jean Piaget |
G. Bystander Intervention
8. Ivan Pavlov |
H. Classical Conditioning
Multiple Choice: Choose one or more researchers who conducted each type of research.
1. Which of the following researcher(s) conducted a combination of observation and descriptive research?
a. Piaget
b. Clark
c. Thorndike
d. Milgram
2. Which of the following researcher(s) conducted experimental research?
a. Asch
b. Festinger
c. Sherif
d. Zimbardo
3. Which of the following researcher(s) conducted experimental research?
a. Latane
b. Bandura
c. Allport
d. Darley & Latane
4. Which of the following researcher(s) conducted experimental research?
a. Seligman
b. Watson
c. Pavlov
d. Skinner
5. Which of the following researcher(s) conducted quasi-experimental research?
a. Jung
b. Thorndike
c. Watson
d. Freud
For the following research questions, choose which research method would be most appropriate to use.
1. Is there a link between television and obesity?
a. True experiment
b. Correlation
c. Quasi-experiment
d. Historical
e. Observation/Descriptive
2. How does schizophrenia differ in young women and men?
a. Observation/Descriptive
b. True experiment
c. Historical
d. Correlation
e. Quasi-experiment
3. How does social anxiety disorder affect the routine life of a person?
a. Correlation
b. True experiment
c. Observation/Descriptive
d. Quasi-experiment
e. Historical
4. Does gender affect memory?
a. True experiment
b. Observation/Descriptive
c. Quasi-experiment
d. Correlation
e. Historical
5. Does room temperature affect long term memory?
a. Historical
b. Quasi-experiment
c. Observation/Descriptive
d. True experiment
e. Correlation
6. What is the influence of work environment on the worker's self-esteem?
a. Correlation
b. Observation/Descriptive
c. Quasi-experiment
d. Historical
e. True experiment
7. How does in-store music influence product selection?
a. Observation/Descriptive
b. Quasi-experiment
c. Historical
d. True experiment
e. Correlation
8. How does over-crowding affect human beings?
a. True experiment
b. Observation/Descriptive
c. Quasi-experiment
d. Correlation
e. Historical
9. Does attractiveness affect our perception of others - are the attractive treated differently?
a. Quasi-experiment
b. Historical
c. Correlation
d. True experiment
e. Observation/Descriptive
10. What is the effect of color on mental states?
a. Observation/Descriptive
b. Correlation
c. Quasi-experiment
d. Historical
e. True Experiment