
Match the reason with the fallacy fallacies may be used

Match the reason with the fallacy, Fallacies may be used more than once. Fallacies are labeled A-I and the Reasons are labeled 1-10. The fallacies can be used more than once.


A. Wishful thinking

B. Ad Hominem

C. Red herring

D. Slippery slope

E. Straw person

F. Glittering generalities

G. Appeals to emotions

H. Search for perfect solutions

I. Common opinion

1._____Bill: Countries that harbor terrorists must be considered enemies of the U.S. Such an action means that the leaders don’t want to see justice done to terrorists and care more about hiding murderers, rapists, etc.

2._____Taylor: That’s what I would expect from someone with relatives working for the CIA

3._____Taylor: Once you start labeling countries that disagree with U.S. policy as enemies, then eventually almost all countries will be considered our enemies.

4._____Bill: America can handle that. It stands for freedom, for democracy and for truth and thus can stand against the world.

5._____Bill: America should be able to convince countries hostile to it of the error of their ways because of the strong religious foundation of its beliefs.

6._____Taylor: But most religious people don’t think we should go to war with countries harboring terrorists.

7._____Bill: That’s an overestimate. How many people did they survey?

8._____Taylor: Biggest problem with a tough stand is that it’s not going to wipe out terrorism

9._____Bill: How can you defend the terrorists; I thought you were a patriot.

10._____Bill: This is a democracy, most Americans agree with me.

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